Welcome to Indcare College of Law
INDCARE College of Law aim to develop in their students a high level of skill in comprehension, analysis and presentation. Students are expected to read a good deal, mostly from primary sources rather than to take other people’s word for things. Students are asked to process what they gain altogether with their own thoughts. Teaching student’s meticulous investigative and analytical skills through inventive and modern classroom teaching and clinical and skills training that integrates theory and practice, without comprising professional ethics. Enhancing the student’s expert judgement and reasoning through a dynamic and innovative learning environment while advancing the goal to advocate positive change in law that improves the society at large. The syllabus comprises topics chosen primarily for their common interest, which they arise in practice. INDCARE College of Law is probably one of the leading law school where the main means by which teaching is done consists of group discussion. The library is conveniently located in the same building , and have designed a course that encourages student to think like a lawyer from the beginning. Students will develop their essential legal skills through practical workshops and problem-based learning. Preparation for Practice module will give them professional skills they need.